The New Year is only a week old, and I'm already behind in the obits. Perhaps in the next few days I'll catch up, but in the meantime, the death of an old lesbian from the tail end of last year inspires this week's Dance Party:
Agathe von Trapp

OK, nobody is coming right out and saying this woman was a lesbian, maybe nobody ever saw her play golf or wear flannel. But she left the family lodge in Vermont in 1958 with Mary Louise Kane, who became her "longtime friend." They started a school together in Maryland, and lived quietly on the campus, together, for 50 years. Our gal was named after her mother, who gave birth to seven melodically gifted children before her death; Mom was replaced in the family by an annoyingly perky nun with a guitar:

As you've already surmised, Agathe von Trapp and her family provided the inspiration for The Sound of Music. The character of Liesl was inspired by Agathe, and we can all agree that a name change was in order. An age change was too: though Agathe was indeed the eldest daughter, she had an older brother. That didn't fit in well with the R&H plan, so Rupert was demoted and renamed Frederich.

In her adult life, Agathe wrote a book to correct some of the errors of The Sound of Music, including the impression that her father the Captain was a sour old grump. Dramatic License again. Agathe herself can be forgiven for swearing off men; when your teen-aged boyfriend becomes a Nazi, that's pretty bad

Long story short: Charmian appeared in only one more high-profile role before leaving the

Until now. After exhaustive research, I have unearthed this little gem. Decades after she first sang this song, Charmian Carr was lured out of retirement to perform it again in a concert devoted to Richard Rodgers. You can see that the years have been most kind to her, she hasn't changed a bit since she danced around in that gazebo in 1965. The quality of the clip is a little foggy, but it is more than made up for by the dynamic reemergence of a major musical star:
OK, maybe that's not Charmian Carr. Ann-Margaret?
THAT was priceless.
Unlike yourself, who is just cheap.
It's Judi Dench. Give credit where credit is due! Lol!
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