The fallout continues over last week's Facebook tsunami, during which women from all over the globe posted the color of their bra as a status update. (If you don't know what I'm talking about, go here.) I've read several more essays this week, written by, or on behalf of, women who have lost their breasts to cancer. They found it emotionally dispiriting to be reminded about their loss in such a public way.
I still maintain that anything which brings attention to the fight against breast cancer is a good thing, but I sympathize with the ladies who did not wish to be confronted in such a way. I have a pretty poignant story of my mother's own experience with double mastectomy, and the difficulty she had with prosthetic bras, but I'll save that for a darker moment. So it seems justified

Appropriately, our star is Bette Midler, whose own bust figures prominently in every concert she has ever done. She's had varied success with films throughout her career, with many hits and many flops and few in-between. Her first big

This week's Dance Party comes from Beaches, a melodramatic tearjerker which costarred Midler and Barbara Hershey as life-long friends who meet as children on the beach (clever, huh?). The Divine Miss M steamrolls right over her costar in just about every scene, and if you

And as I warned you, it's about bras.
"For The Boys" bombed.
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